#include<cstdio> #include<algorithm> #include<cstring> #include<stack> #define PROC "2049" using namespace std; const int maxn=10100; struct hja{ hja *fa, *ch[2]; bool tag; void gettag() { tag^=1; } void pushdown() { if (tag) { ch[1]->gettag(); ch[0]->gettag(); swap(ch[0],ch[1]); tag=0; } } } rnil; hja *nil=&rnil; int n, m; namespace LCT{ hja tree[maxn]; void init(hja &now) {[0][1]=now.fa=nil; } void init() { for (int i=1; i<=n; i++) init(tree[i]); } bool isRoot(hja *now) { return now->fa->ch[0]!=now&&now->fa->ch[1]!=now; } void rotate(hja *now) { hja *fa=now->fa; hja *gfa=fa->fa; bool d=fa->ch[1]==now; if (!isRoot(fa)) gfa->ch[gfa->ch[1]==fa]=now; now->fa=gfa; fa->fa=now; fa->ch[d]=now->ch[d^1]; now->ch[d^1]->fa=fa; now->ch[d^1]=fa; } stack<hja*> sta; void splay(hja *now) { hja *pre=now; sta.push(pre); while (!isRoot(pre)) { pre=pre->fa; sta.push(pre); } while (!sta.empty()) {>pushdown(); sta.pop(); } while (!isRoot(now)) { hja *fa=now->fa, *gfa=now->fa->fa; if (!isRoot(fa)) { if ((gfa->ch[1]==fa)!=(fa->ch[1]==now)) rotate(now); else rotate(fa); } rotate(now); } } void access(hja* nowp) { for (hja *son=nil; nowp!=nil; nowp=nowp->fa) { splay(nowp); nowp->ch[1]=son; son=nowp; } } void access(int nowp) { access(&tree[nowp]); } void makeRoot(hja* nowp) { access(nowp); splay(nowp); nowp->gettag(); } void makeRoot(int nowp) { makeRoot(&tree[nowp]); } void cut(hja* p1, hja* p2) { makeRoot(p1); access(p2); splay(p2); p1->fa=nil; p2->ch[0]=nil; } void cut(int p1, int p2) { cut(&tree[p1],&tree[p2]); } hja* find(hja *p1) { access(p1); splay(p1); while (p1->ch[0]!=nil) p1=p1->ch[0]; return p1; } int find(int nowp) { return find(&tree[nowp])-tree; } bool find(int p1, int p2) { return find(p1)==find(p2); } bool find(hja* p1, hja* p2) { return find(p1)==find(p2); } void link(hja* p1, hja* p2) { makeRoot(p1); p1->fa=p2; access(p1); } void link(int p1, int p2) { link(&tree[p1],&tree[p2]); } } char s[10]; int main() { #ifdef YJQ_LOCAL freopen(PROC".in","r",stdin); // freopen(PROC".out","w",stdout); #endif int tmp1,tmp2,tmp3; scanf("%d%d",&n,&m); LCT::init(); while(m--) { scanf("%s%d%d",s+1,&tmp1,&tmp2); if (s[1]=='Q') puts(LCT::find(tmp1,tmp2)?"Yes":"No"); if (s[1]=='C') LCT::link(tmp1,tmp2); if (s[1]=='D') LCT::cut(tmp1,tmp2); } fclose(stdout); return 0; }
2022年9月19日 00:36
Social Study is most important students to all students of AP 10th Class, here we have provided the study material with solved question bank for all government and private school TM, EM, UM and HM students in chapter wise from past years old exams and we have provided the AP 10th Social Model Paper 2023 Pdf suggested by subject experts. AP SSC Social Model Paper All BSEAP 10th class regular and private course students can follow the list of chapters under SSC Social Study to practice study material with previous question bank to get a better score in summative assessment (SA) and formative assessment (FA) SA-1, SA-2, FA-1, FA-2, FA-3, FA-4 along with Assignments exams previously called Unit Test-1, Unit Test-2, Unit Test-3, Unit Test-4 and Three Months.